Send us your story

The Citizens reports on behalf of the people and we want to hear from you!

Connect with us on WhatsApp using the QR code or link below. Once you add us a contact then you can send us private and encrypted messages. Our number is +447457411321.

Send a voice note, a selfie video, a filmed conversation between you and a friend, or simply write your thoughts in a text. 

Connect with The Citizens on WhatsApp

Our Public Hearing posts are curated text, audio and video clips that have been submitted to us online, or collected via our community outreach.

Send a text, voice note or video to +447457411321

Click to connect

See WhatsApp's legal information for full details on their terms of service.

What stories are we interested in?

We want to hear all about your experiences, frustrations, fears and fascinations about social technologies. From AI ethics to online harassment, from data privacy to deepfakes.

Do you feel like you are constantly seeing misinformation in your social media feeds? Do you wonder if your phone is listening to you? Are you worried about your children viewing harmful content? Perhaps you would prefer to tell us all of the positive and surprising ways that owning a smartphone has changed your life.

By collecting your stories we can build a true picture of today's real life online.

How we use your information

  • Your messages can only be accessed by journalists working for The Citizens.
  • We may feature your clip in our Public Hearing series, or use it to inform our wider reporting. However we use it, we will always contact you first to seek your consent.
  • We will always ask how you would like to be identified prior to publication. We prefer to know your first name for our own correspondence with you, but it is fine to request for your submission to be anonymous.
  • If your clip is published on our website, blog or newsletter, we may also include it our social media posts.
  • Your message will remain stored in our WhatsApp messages and on this website, if published. You can contact us at any time to request that we delete your messages. Please email

Some points to remember before sending your clip

We want to include as many voices and diverse experiences in our Public Hearing series. Help us to include yours by ensuring the following:

  • If recording yourself in a public place, ensure that no other people can be identified in the background.
  • Ensure you have the permission of everyone included in any video or audio clip that you share. If you record yourself chatting with a friend, make sure your friend agrees and understands that the clip could be published online.
  • You may only submit a photograph or video of or created by a child if you are the parent or guardian of that child, or you have the permission of the parent or guardian.
  • Be careful not to use any copyrighted images, footage or music in your clip without permission of the copyright holders.
  • We will not publish or engage with any clips that include hateful or harmful language or actions.
  • Resist naming specific brands or individuals in your clips, and never include any direct defamatory comments towards individuals, organisations, communities or social groups.