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Introducing The Citizens' Techno-authoritarianism Fight Back Toolkit
Building a counter-Big Tech public square, we bring you one-on-one interviews, expert panels, film screenings and public forums.
Introducing The Citizens' Techno-authoritarianism Fight Back Toolkit
A discussion on the ways people and organisations are resisting the Big Tech monopoly, with Sherif Essayed-Ali, Nicolás Tapia Correa and Kyle Taylor.
Oh, and: What Did You Do Last Week? Another edition of 'Citizens Re-united'
In this Q&A, Manasa Narayanan speaks to Petra Molnar about the UK's push for unchecked AI ‘innovation’ and what it means for the existing surveillance state and migrants.
3 Fresh Reads + Actions Today to Fight the Tech Coup
Activist Alistair Alexander works on alternatives to a techno-authoritarian future - drawing inspiration from nature as a model for resilience.
Join us for a special screening of '2073' and Q&A with Director Asif Kapadia, The Citizens' Carole Cadwalladr and Byline Time's Peter Jukes.
Progressives can still win the information war. Here's how.
Citizen Common
Director Asif Kapadia on the challenges of getting 2073 made and released.
Citizen Common
An interview with Director Asif Kapadia whose film 2073 could be set in 2025
Citizen Common
With Trump's inauguration just a few days away, fears are mounting about his attacks on free press. What can we learn from the journalists who have already faced the wrath of tyrants?
Join us for a virtual conversation with Maria Ressa, Rana Ayyub, Carole Cadwalladr and Asif Kapadia.
Citizen Common
Disinformation and counterterrorism expert Martin Innes unveils the inner workings of Russian influence operations and their connection to the Brexit campaign.
Back our stand against Big Tech.
Citizen Common
In this Q&A, author James Muldoon sheds light on the real face of AI capitalism and suggests how to fight back.
Citizen Common
Should it be Big Tech, the government or parents?